Frederik Naert
This issue contains two articles, one on military justice and one on
reprisals. Both are of a more reflective nature and written from a
historical perspective. Nevertheless, they are also both very much
relevant today. Further, in this issue, you will find a contribution on
Kosovo’s new legislation on weapons, as well as the programme of
the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War’s VIIIth
Seminar for Legal Advisors to the Armed Forces on ‘Responsibilities
of Commanders and Legal Advisors in International Operations’, which
took place in Riga. As ususal, there is also a series of book reviews and
Furthermore, I welcome Dr. Aurel Sari to the editorial board of this
Review. Aurel is a lecturer in law at the University of Exeter, specializing
in public international law. He has a particular interest in the legal status
of foreign armed forces under international law, on which he has been
working for several years, and in the legal aspects of the EU’s security
and defence policy.
Finally, I have the pleasure to announce that the Review will soon have a
separate website at Together with the availability
of the Review on Heinonline, we hope this will lead to an even better
visibility and dissemination of the Review.